Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Declaration of "Dependence"

Are the Ten Commandments....the law.…a set of rules that God expects us to obey in order to live righteously in His good graces?

If so, how many have attained this?

Only Jesus fulfilled the law completely.  And He did so resting fully and dependently on God.  Fully.  Dependently.

The Ten Commandments show us just how sinful we are.  And proves to us that we will never, ever be able to fulfill this law, no matter how hard we try.  The Law shows us that we cannot attain righteousness by works…. Yet, we still try?  And why? 

Attempting to keep the law is another declaration of “independence” on our parts…an attempt to keep control.  Freedom comes from trusting and depending fully on Him.  Fully.  For everything.

The more independently we live from Him, living by our own standards, efforts, strength and sufficiency, the filthier we become when viewing ourselves at the cross…because apart from Him, we are nothing…and there is no good.


“Jesus laid the demand of the law to rest; it no longer has any power to accuse or command.  Jesus is both the promise and the fulfillment.”


I’ll say it again:  He is the promise.  He is the fulfillment.

I pray this promise is written on my heart, and that my own futile efforts cease.

I pray to make a declaration of  “dependence” each day.

(Romans 3:20, 23-24)

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